Tuesday, July 5, 2016

In ce domenii nevoie de un certificat ISO?

Orice firma isi doreste sa isi poata imbunatati activitatea in mod constant, pentru a crea conditii mai bune de lucru pentru angajati si pentru ca furnizorii si clientii sa poata avea incredere in compania cu care colaborareaza. O solutie in acest sens este reprezentata de un certificat ISO 9001, care asigura dobandirea profesionalismului de care multe firme au nevoie, indiferent de domeniul in care opereaza. 

De asemenea, nu numai companiile pot opta pentru obtinerea acestor certificate, ci si organizatiile sau chiar institutiile de stat sau private, iar in acest scop este nevoie de implementarea unui set strict de reguli. 

Cu siguranta ca orice firma sau institutie a statului va castiga credibilitate in ochii tuturor cu ajutorul unui certificat ISO 9001, deoarece acesta garanteaza calitatea serviciilor si produselor puse la dispozitie. Pe baza acestui certificat, se dovedeste intentia de creare a celor mai bune conditii de lucru si de oferire a celor mai bune servicii. In plus, nu este suficienta obtinerea unui certificat, ci este nevoie ca de-a lungul timpului regulile impuse anterior sa fie respectate, pentru ca titlul acordat sa poata fi pastrat. Ori de cate ori este loc de imbunatatiri, acestea pot fi aduse.

In ce domenii nevoie de un certificat ISO?

Certificatele ISO urmaresc activitatea din toate domeniile, iar ISO 9001, cu siguranta ca este bine venit oricand. In schimb, cel din urma este intalnit de cele mai multe ori in cadrul firmelor care ofera servicii de transport persoane sau marfa in contextul in care frecvent au loc numeroase accidente rutiere, pentru companiile de asigurari, care nu isi dovedesc profesionalismul de care ar trebui sa dea dovada sau pentru orice institutie care doreste sa creeze cele mai bune conditii de lucru pentru angajati. Pentru obtinerea certificarilor in cele mai bune conditii si in cel mai scurt timp, este nevoie de apelarea la companiile specializate in acest domeniu.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Luxury rent a car in Bucharest

In the last couple of years I give up all hopre regarding luxury rent a car in Bucharest - which was a shame in fact if you consider that Bucharest is one of the bigest cities in the European Union, the most important economical and cultural center of Romania and not least, a pretty decent city.

I was for my forst time in Bucharest around 22 years ago, in the early mid 90's, where the country was strugling with the economic depression after the fall of the communist regims - you would be able to see anywhere the fact that the country was in a very poor shape, to notice that the people were not so well dressed and the fact that all the stores had all the same types of products, it was pretty clear that this country had big economical problems, but on a substratum of educated people.

So... it was clear that I wanted to make business there, in Romania, to became rich and in the same time to help the economy of this country to reach its potential.

So... 10 years later, in 2004, the coun try was completely different, with a small developing market economy that was pushing forward slow and steady, with great people that were better and better at doing business - only with a small problems - related particullary to luxury services,

So... in the beginning it was kinda hard to find proper transfer and transportation for my foreign partners that were coming to visit me in Romania for the purpose of doing business, as there were no luxury rental services, but finally the market evolved and now they have all that they would have needed :).

Friday, July 1, 2016

Best real estate virtual tours creator

Using the best virtual tour creator is a  must in every real estate business, regardless of size, niche, or the country where this company activates. Of course that besides using a great piece of software, there are other aspects as well that should be taken into consideration by the real estate agents, as the following:

Knowing the City/region

Some of the most important aspects in this  career is to know your ‘playing ground’, your neighborhood. Learn a little bit about the history of the area, its characteristics, and the usual selling price of the houses, the advantages and disadvantages of certain areas. Thus, you’ll gather the right knowledge clients will be requesting from you.

Continue to develop as a real estate agent at all times

If you are somehow at the beginning of your careerr, then the learning process is very important, and also knowing to use all the necessary software can be also very important. In other words, you’ll have to be up-to-date with every novelty in your industry and learn the skills it takes to become successful. Another aspect you’ll have to pay close attention to is the broker you select. This is critical as, at this stage, you need support and training. So, choose attentively!

Make a name for yourself

Besides having great product to serll and a big broker behind you, you also need to start building your own name. That is to say, have proper marketing materials, do advertising, and establish a daily schedule… There is more than just enjoying the benefits of a powerful broker, the way you approach things is essential in achieving success.

Try to find your best area of expertise

To be the best real estate agent in your area can be overwhelming due to the wide variety of available options. Sure - there are many things to choose from and chances are you’ll get lost among so many variables, as you will need to discuss with a lot of clients. So, you need to narrow your niche and focus on the things you find most likely to be suitable to your strategy and skills.

Always be patient and diplonatic

You can be 100% sure that huge success never comes right away, so you need to be patient and wait for the right moment to enjoy it. Try to give yourself sufficient time to gain experience and only then put it into practice.

Also, dioplomacy is very important, but we will talk about this in another material.